Saturday, March 3, 2012


Two known players have decided to have other people play in the MOCS for them today.  While this is usually impossible to detect, these two players decided to play in real life events (an SCGOpen and a GP) that are occurring at the SAME TIME as said MOCS.  It's time to make some call outs:

1)  Stephen G. Mann, smann on modo:

2)  Andrejs Prost, baconator5000 on modo

Chris Mascioli
@dieplstks on Twitter (follow me!  Please)


  1. This is disgusting in an Invite based tournament that feeds a 100k prize event.
    They should not be allowed any prize from this if someone else is winning for them.

  2. I assume you reported this to the appropriate people?

  3. Yeah, this has been reported on

  4. I honestly think they should get perm bans. This is stealing.

  5. they aren't the only ones doing it... until Wotc links DCI to mtgo this will happen over and over again.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Great post.
    I still want to see Mary slap the shí+ out of you

  8. I have very mixed feelings about this... Yes it is cheating, but should you make this public...? I really hate people snitching! So damn immature! It's like in school:" I'm gonna teeeel! I'm gonna teeeel!"
